High-tech Cold Chain Infrastructure at Farm Gate!

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Energizing Agriculture

We're building sustainable agro-cold chains in Africa for productive usage. Approximately 60% of the working population in sub-Saharan Africa are smallholder farmers residing in rural and underserved communities, lacking electricity to power cold chains. This scenario positions cold storage as one of the most sought-after equipment for productive use on the African continent. Merely 3% of harvested produce is refrigerated at the first mile in sub-Saharan Africa. We're altering this narrative!

  • Food Loss

    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has projected over the years that, Nigeria on average, loses about N9 billion naira annually to post-harvest waste. 

  • Food Safety

    Lack of proper post-harvest handling prevents farmers from accessing high-value markets or international buyers. Products do not reach off-takers at expected quality. 

  • Inefficient Supply Chain

    The sector is highly fragmented, with several middlemen, little market transparency, and a large supply-demand imbalance, resulting in erratic pricing. 

We are solving these problems one farming community at a time

  • Integrated Cold Chain

    We design and build cold storage systems optimized for perishable goods to form an integrated cold chain and processing hub. 

  • Solar Energy

    Providing off-grid solar is the best way to ensure the sustainability and productivity of cold storage solutions in these communities.

  • Market Linkage

    We partner with local aggregators and agribusinesses to off-take products in our cold chains - this way, products reach the final consumers at the best quality and farmers make more money.

We aim to reinvent the food supply chain, eradicate post-harvest waste, and help feed Africa!

Built on Unicorn Platform